The Lightleader Accelerator Program

 for YOU who is an aspiring or season coach or space holder
 who want to GROW your ALIGNED and IMPACTFUL business

- Feel a burning desire to make more impact in the world through your soulwork?
- Want to attract more money and ideal clients?
- Be more focused and know how to take the next aligned step?
- Want to grow your self-leadership as a biz owner?
- Wish to build a thriving business that you would feel proud about.

- Struggle to stand out with your service?
- Lack self-trust, self-worth, or confidence?
- Need help with marketing and attracting clients?
- Battle with excuses and fears that are holding you back?
- Have limiting beliefs about money?

If some or all of those feel like you, The lightleader accelerator program
is designed to support you with exactly this!



 Discover powerful strategies to boost your self-confidence. Uncover the keys to silencing self-doubt, finding your authentic voice, and boldly stepping into your role as a purpose-driven entrepreneur.


Learn the art of personal branding and how it can set you apart in a crowded marketplace. We'll explore techniques for authentically expressing your essence and values, making your brand magnetic to your ideal clients.


Unlock the secrets to effective marketing and attract your ideal clients. Dive into proven strategies that resonate with your mission, from harnessing the power of social media to crafting compelling content that captivates and converts.


1. Build Your Soul-Aligned Business
You'll learn how to create and expand a business that deeply aligns with your values and purpose.  

2. Master Effective Marketing and Client Attraction 
We'll provide you with practical guidance on marketing strategies, launching, and attracting the right clients.  

3. Overcome Your Excuses and Fears
You'll be empowered to break through your excuses and fears, enabling you to take confident action.  

4. Boost Self-Trust and Self-Worth
In this program, you'll develop trust in yourself, recognise your worth, and fully embrace your unique gifts.  

5. Deepen Your Soul Work 
We'll support you in deepening your inner work and personal growth journey.

6. Radiate Your Unique Vibration and Attract Soulful Clients 
You'll learn how to embody your unique essence, naturally attracting soulful clients through your energy and authenticity.  

7. Transform Your Money Mindset 
You'll expand your mindset around money and increase your ability to receive abundance.  

8. Discover Your Core Message and Align Your Brand 
We'll help you discover your core message and guide you in aligning all your offers and content with it


👌 Feel it's time to shine your light brighter in the world
👌Want practical guidance on marketing, launching, and attracting the right clients. 
👌Are determined to overcome excuses and fears.
👌Are ready to trust in yourself, your worth, and your gifts.
👌Seek to deepen your inner work.
👌Aim to radiate your unique light, drawing in your ideal clients.
👌Wish to expand your mindset about money and receiving.
👌Want to discover your core message and align all your offers and content with it.
👌Are coachable and committed to step up in your self-leadership


🖐Believe in quick fixes for building a fulfilling business.
🖐 Prefer to stay in your comfort zone and hide.
🖐Are not open to coaching or inner growth.
🖐Are not fully committed to your bigger visions.
🖐 Are solely interested in money and operating from your head.
🖐Reject the ideas of money, success, power, and business.
🖐Don´t believe that there is a higher loving force that constantly wants to guide you to more and deeper alignment.
🖐Are not willing to implement what you learn

It´s important to see if we are a match, therefore fill in this questionnaire here


I'm Patricia Celest, a holistic life and business coach for heart-centered female entrepreneurs. I´m the host of The lightleader podcast and the founder of the life-changing program "Soul-led".

I was once trapped in a cycle where I felt I had so much to give but didn't know where to start or how to do it. When I finally figured it all out, I made sales in a week that were the same as my yearly salary in some of my earlier jobs.

I know that the path to success is a perfect blend of the right mindset, the right support, the right strategies, and the implementation of it all. That's why I have created this program, because I know if I can do this, so can you!

If this program resonates with you, I am here as your guide to accelerate your way of leading the light within you and out in the world!


"The course changed my life and the way I think. When I had completed the course, they were clear that I would not just let my dream be a dream. Now, I have helped close to 300 people with their health and well-being. I'm so glad I dared to take the step and started up." 

Stephanie Saidra
Swedish fasting therapist
IG: fasta.tillsammans

"This course was a push in the right direction, into the FULL flow of life with love as a guide from my heart. I had felt flow before but now the speed of the flow was increased and important phenomena and people were drawn to me. What was revealed to me during the course is what I now call soul healing and Soulcoaching in my company. To guide people to their spiritual heart so that they can be guided to what is most important to them in life, and to start living fully according to these values.." 

Eva-Lotta Rundberg


I knew that this course would change my life in one way or another, but did not yet consider that it would actually do so in the long term as well and not only just now . I have  now set boundaries like never before in all aspects of my life. I have truly reclaimed my power in relationships and my professional role and feel a heightened frequency on a physical level." 

Rebecka Sretenovic

Singer, actress and songwriter

"My career has gone so much forward. I work with what I love. By that, I mean that I work with what I always dreamt of working with. It was terrifying when I started out, but the coaching helped me so much with this. I don't think I would have been where I am today if I hadn't done the coaching with Patricia. I wouldn´t have dared to take the steps that I have taken now. I have become more confident than ever after this coaching with Patricia. Don´t hesitate to get the coaching from her, she will change your life forever." 

Hanna Hattsson
Author of " Happy Jobs"

" I was a bit stuck in my life, having goals that I didn't achieve and needed support to move forward. The energy of great joy and playfulness that Patricia holds was something I was drawn to since that is something I wanted to further develop within me together with my goals. After these coaching series with her, I have connected so much deeper with my feminine power. People around me have seen this shift and commented that I am so happy and grounded. I feel that this coaching has been very transformative and supportive. I have got the strength to start my own company, rent out my house and I will now travel the world! " 

Stina Bellman

 " When I saw the opportunity for Patricia's coaching, a light lit up within me. It became the catalyst for a change within me. My friends have noticed a significant transformation in me, with much more clarity and focus during the coaching. The coaching has provided me with so much clarity that I can step back and observe myself and the situation instead of reacting to my emotions. I needed to establish a much more solid foundation for my self-esteem to reach my dreams. I've gained so many tools that I can use to continue. It has been an inspiring, nurturing, and beautiful journey.

Sara Broman

Sing- and songwriter


 A 90-day container with a total of 26 coaching opportunities with me in the form of:

💥 12 peer group coaching calls where you get guided by me and inspired by others (Wednesday 10 AM or 6 PM Sydney time)
💥 2 private 60 min Zoom coaching calls with me
💥 12 private powerful accountability voice coaching check-in with me with feedback once a week
💥 Access to a high-level, world-class business academy with ALL the resources you will need (step-by-step business strategy, mindset, spiritual guidance from successful coaches and leaders). This fantastic resource is included in the coaching and we will target it to which results you want to achieve.

It´s important to see if we are a match, therefore fill in this questionnaire here

SOON 3333 USD and later even more
RIGHT NOW only 2222 USD!


"Patricia’s coaching is so gentle and direct. The underlying feeling is joy and lust for life. She helped me in only a few sessions to get in contact with the lustful parts of my life. It was helping me shift the focus and while doing it in a pleasurable way, I also made huge steps towards my ambitions and goals both privately and professionally." 

Maria Obed

" I was impressed from the start of my coaching journey by the time and care that Patricia took with guiding me in setting an intention for the process. She is professional and dedicated, taking her role seriously while bringing joy and warmth to the experience. She has a gift for seeing the larger picture and for meeting everything as it comes. It's clear that Patrcia has life experience, learning and professional competence - all of which make her a great coach!" 


Artist and writer

 " Patricia was the most gorgeous, heart-centered and compassionate coach. I felt so safe in her presence and was able to work through so much resistance to achieve my goals. Patricia's enthusiasm and passion for women and her work were inspiring. I loved every bit of working together!  "

Bridget Allan

 Intuitive and Soul-Centred Life Coach

"Patricia is a highly competent and courageous woman who, in an inspiring manner, conducts coaching sessions both for groups and one-on-one. She's one of those who has personally experienced what she talks about, and she's generous in sharing herself, sharing both strengths and fears that others can easily relate to. It can give you the feeling of 'if she can, then so can I.' I find it so comforting that she dares to show all of her facets, not just the beautiful and polished ones, which truly allows me to relax in the understanding that I am perfect just as I am.  Patricia is a woman who practices what she preaches, she is a great inspiration, and she provides concrete advice that is easy to embrace. Her guidance is for those willing to take responsibility for their own path and life, and for those delving deeper into their journey toward healing, stepping into their power, self-respect, and unity, whether as a single woman or in partnership with their significant other. I wholeheartedly recommend her! Her knowledge is much needed, especially in times when fear is prevalent in the world, and women are taking significant leaps forward in blooming and empowerment, with or without their man (yet) by their side." 

Sophia Mörn, Hyposyntes Coach
Hyposyntes Coach

" I feel a greater inner calm, and my confidence in my ability to handle things has grown, even though I still have a long way to go. Just the feeling of being on the path, of taking those first small steps, is fantastic.  It's like a seed for a beautiful plant that has been sown into my heart, and with time, it will grow and bear flowers and fruits if I continue to water it. And that's what I want to do. I am truly very happy and grateful to have been on this journey and experienced so much inspiration and sisterly warmth.  The course material itself was very rewarding and comprehensive, but it was also Patricia's warm-hearted and inspiring leadership and interactions with other course participants through live sessions, sharing with sisters, and the Facebook group." 


 " Every session with Patricia has been pure magic and provided exactly what I need! Even when we hadn't been in contact for six months, and we had a spontaneous session, she managed to guide me in precisely the right direction, and so much was resolved! Even when it's unclear to me what I need help with, she tunes in and suggests the exact right exercises, asks the right questions and helps me feel exactly what I need to. The level I reach with Patricia is so much deeper than with any other coach, and I feel completely safe opening up to her. She is such a wonderful and warm-hearted person who exudes strength, love, sharpness, and humour. I highly recommend her!" "
